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NCCN Reference Group
The New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry (NZCCR) – Overview
NZCCR Research
Other Research Involving NCCN Members
Work Programme
Working Groups
Dental Late Effects
Familial Cancer Predisposition
Late Effects (LEAP)
National Protocols
Educational Support (Psychosocial)
New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry (NZCCR)
Professional Development and Workforce
NCCN National Supportive Care Guidelines
Child Cancer Counselling Network Project
Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Service Agreements
Te Aho o te Kahu – Cancer Control Agency
AYA Cancer Network Aotearoa
Te Whatu Ora Providers
Community Service Providers (NGOs)
Contact Us
About Us
Executive Management Team
NCCN Reference Group
The New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry (NZCCR) – Overview
NZCCR Research
Other Research Involving NCCN Members
Work Programme
Working Groups
Dental Late Effects
Familial Cancer Predisposition
Late Effects (LEAP)
National Protocols
Educational Support (Psychosocial)
New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry (NZCCR)
Professional Development and Workforce
NCCN National Supportive Care Guidelines
Child Cancer Counselling Network Project
Paediatric Oncology Shared Care Service Agreements
Te Aho o te Kahu – Cancer Control Agency
AYA Cancer Network Aotearoa
Te Whatu Ora Providers
Community Service Providers (NGOs)
Contact Us
NZCCR Research Outputs
NZCCR Working Group-Led Publications
Journal Publications
Ballantine, K., et al. Childhood cancer registration in NZ: A registry collaboration to assess and improve data quality. Cancer Epidemiology, 55 (2018), 104-109 (author version)
Ballantine, K., et al.AYA cancer in New Zealand. Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology. 2017, 6(2): 277-285.
Conference Posters
Ballantine, K., et al. Do New Zealand children with cancer receive the same high quality of care regardless of who they are and where they live? 50th Congress of the International Paediatric Oncology Society. 2018, November 15-19, Kyoto.
Ballantine, K., et al. NZ Child Cancer Incidence and Survival: An Update from NZCCR. ANZCHOG Annual Scientific Meeting. 2018, 14-16 June, Sydney.
Ballantine, K., et al. A Review of Staging Information Collected by the New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry in Consideration of the Toronto Paediatric Cancer Staging Guidelines. ANZCHOG Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017, June 15-17, Adelaide.
Ballantine, K., et al. Improving the Accuracy and Completeness of New Zealand Child Cancer Registration: the benefit of two national registries. 48th Congress of the International Paediatric Oncology Society. 2016, October 19-22, Dublin.
Sullivan, M., et al. An Integrated Pacific Children’s Cancer Registry: a 5-minute cancer registry to improve clincal care for children in the Pacific. Asia Pacific Cancer Leaders’ Summit. 2016, April 13-15, Brisbane.
Ballantine, K., et al. The Power of Collaboration: The New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry and the Late Effects Assessment Programme.
Asia Pacific Cancer Leaders’ Summit. 2016, April 13-15, Brisbane.
Ballantine, K., et al. Cancer Among 25-29 Year Olds in New Zealand: should our current AYA age range be expanded to include them? International Adolescent and Young Adult Congress. 2015, December 3-5, Sydney.
Sullivan, M., et al. Comparable Outcomes for Maori and Pacific Island Children Compared to European (Pakeha) Children with Cancer in New Zealand: an outcome analysis of the New Zealand Chidren’s Cancer Registry. 43rd Congress of the International Paediatric Oncology Society. 2011, October 28-30. Auckland.
Sullivan, M., et al. First Outcome Analysis of the New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry.
43rd Congress of the International Paediatric Oncology Society
. 2011, October 28-30, Auckland.
Other Publications Utilising NZCCR Data
Journal Publications
Pettit, T., et al. Analysis of common cytogenic abnormalities in New Zealand pediatric ALL shows ethnically diverse carriage of ETV6-RUNX1, without a corresponding difference in survival. Pediatric Blood Cancer. 2017.
Steliarova-Foucher E, Colombet M, Rie LAG, et al. International incidence
of childhood cancer, 2001–10: a population-based registry study. Lancet Oncol 2017;
published online April 11.
Supplementary Appendix to Steliarova-Foucher E, Colombet M, Rie LAG, et al. International incidence
of childhood cancer, 2001–10: a population-based registry study. Lancet Oncol 2017;
published online April 11.
Chen, A.J, Jarrett, P. and Macfarlane, S.
Congenital self-healing reticulohistiocytosis: the need for investigation
. Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 2016. Feb;57(1):76-7
Dodgshun, A., et al. Enrollment in clinical trials: How are we doing and what are the obstacles to improving enrolment rates: A 2-year retrospective review of paediatric cancer trial enrolment in New Zealand. Journal of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. 2014, 36(8): 630-634.
Conference Presentations
Macfarlane, S. Shared care is fair care: Our national model for child cancer services delivers equitable and high quality care. Cancer at a Crossroads Conference (Ministry of Health/University of Otago), 31 January – 1 February 2019, Wellington.
Perrin, J. Twenty Year Experience of Synchronous Bilateral Wilms’ Tumour at Starship Children’s Hospital. Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 86th Annual Scientific Congress. 2017, May 8-12, Adelaide.
Conference Posters
Wilson, R. No Pain, More Gain: CoolSense Pain Numbing Applicator. ANZCHOG Annual Scientific Meeting. 2017, June 15-17, Adelaide.