National Protocols Working Group

NCCN’s Protocols Working Group meets once a year to agree preferred treatment and management options for paediatric oncological conditions.  It prioritises and selects from clinical trials that are internationally available and allocates responsibility for ethics committee approval and trial opening to either of the two child cancer centres. Because both New Zealand child cancer centres are members of Children’s Oncology Group (COG) the majority of open trials are sourced from COG.

The Working Group is also responsible for identifying service delivery gaps and recommending solutions which improve national consistency and drive best practice. It includes Paediatric Oncologists and Clinical Research Associates from both Auckland and Christchurch and demonstrates the strength of the collaborative relationship that is fostered between the two specialist centres.

Click below for a list of open Paediatric /AYA Haematology and Oncology Clinical Trials.

For more information contact:

Mark Winstanley

Protocols Working Group Convenor