The New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry – Overview

The New Zealand Children’s Cancer Registry (NZCCR) is a population-based registry which holds verified demographic and treatment information for all children diagnosed with cancer in New Zealand since January 2000.


This data is used to guide clinical practice, inform child cancer service planning and for evaluating health outcomes for children with cancer in New Zealand.

Mandatory NZCCR fields include:

  • patient date of birth
  • sex
  • ethnicity
  • domicile
  • type of cancer (by ICD-O-3 morphology/topography)
  • stage of disease, date of diagnosis
  • treatment information (e.g. chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, treatment protocol)
  • treatment/disease related late effects
  • identifying information (i.e NHI, patient names) is also entered and accessed for individual patient care and data verification purposes.

With such an extremely well-verified dataset, and the ongoing input of all new child cancer diagnoses, NZCCR is increasingly utilised as a valuable research tool. Appropriately qualified New Zealand researchers who have a specific interest in childhood cancer are invited to request a dataset from the NZCCR.


Andy Wood

NZCCR Working Group Chair